Celebrating MLK Day 2017

Dr. King’s words of hope continue to inspire today

By Harold Gaines, Argonne African American Black Club President

Today, on the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I would like to share with you an excerpt from Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech from 1964. Dr. King shared his thoughts and vision with the international community at a tumultuous, expectant and hope-filled time in our nation’s history. His words and his peaceful dream for our nation continue to have relevance today. I hope his message inspires you as it continues to inspire me each day. » Continue reading “Celebrating MLK Day 2017”

Exciting Opportunity: Argonne’s Summer Coding Camp for High School Students

Argonne’s Summer Coding Camp for High School Students

Coding is fast becoming one of the most popular and engaging ways for young people to explore new ways of thinking and creativity. Argonne National Laboratory is hosting a five-day workshop for high school students where they will have the opportunity to learn coding from some of Argonne’s brightest computer scientists. » Continue reading “Exciting Opportunity: Argonne’s Summer Coding Camp for High School Students”