Today, despite a mix-up in the building number I posted in the last post, we had a great turnout at the Argonne Amateur Radio Club’s table in the cafeteria, not building 212. We had the new repeater on display which arrived last week and now has gone home with Bob N9MBR, to get programed and setup so it can be installed at the repeater site. Also on display was an example of the equipment used for a POTA (parks on the air) park activation last week by several club members. This included the SDR HF radio, the end fed wire antenna and the battery pack used to power the station. Also displayed was the log documenting the 67 contacts from around the country and Canada in under 3 hours. Finally also demonstrated was an Allstar radio node and transceiver. The best part of the event were the dozen or so folks who showed up and all their enthusiasm for the club and it’s activities.
Tim – N9UEB