As you know the new W9ANL repeater was finally put online last Wednesday, Aug. 24th. It got off to a rocky start with periods of dropping in and out during QSOs frustrating those of you who were enthusiastically trying to use the new repeater. This past Wednesday, Aug. 31, Tim – KC9POS, and I met at the repeater to see what we could do. We confirmed that the squelch was already as low as it could be set and found out the squelch tail default was set at 200 ms. We tried increasing that to 2 sec. and found that this seemed to resolve the problem but was too long. We decided to go with 1.3 sec. and that is where it’s currently set. I’ve gotten great reviews over the past few days and I’m hopeful the problem has indeed been resolved. Several of us will continue to monitor to be sure this is indeed the case. If any of you observe further problems be sure to report them to [email protected], which goes to the club officers and board.
Tim – N9UEB