Finished Repeater Repairs Ready for Night Patrol

These are the previous photos of the connector we took down after water penetrated the connector, oxidizing the outer shell. A panel mounted N-connector was used to terminate the heliax and a small jumper finally connected the heliax to the antenna. All these contributions came together to degrade the performance of the repeater.

Now for the repairs, the new and improved antenna and feedline. We have the LDF4-50A heliax terminated professionally with the proper manufactured hardware. Testing ensured the connection was correct before fitting to the base of the antenna, followed by heat shrink tubing and the rain collar. Finally, strain relief zip tied to hold the heliax in place for futures to come.

This was all done by a fantastic crew of people and a very supporting user base. Thank you all;

Tim Szymanski (KC9POS), Tom Costello (KD9CPB), Richard Vitt (N9KKF), Robert McComb (N9MBR), Tim Smith (N9UEB), Bruce Epperson (KA9H), Aric Donnelly (KD9OWX).

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