Who can join?
Membership in the Argonne Chess Club is open to Argonne employees and contractors, former employees, retirees, family members, and students.
When does the club meet?
The club sponsors a team in the Chicago Industrial Chess League (CICL), described below. The club also hosts occasional practice game sessions and tournaments, and computer analysis sessions in the cafeteria.
What’s the Chicago Industrial Chess League?
The CICL comprises more than 20 chess teams from Chicago-area industrial, educational and government organizations. During a season that lasts roughly from Labor Day to Memorial Day, teams play about 10 matches. To end the season, the top teams enter a playoff, with the final two playoff rounds generally played on the third Saturday in May.
Who can I contact to join or to get more information?
To get more information about the Argonne Chess Club, call or send an email message to Bob Hill (ext. 2-4865) or Steve Kuhlmann (ext. 2-6284).