Plot Program

Interested in gardening but don’t have time or space at home?  For a very small fee to cover hoses, etc., Argonne lets gardeners use a plot for the 2023 growing season.

We have a two-stage process for assigning plots. Returning gardeners can sign up for their old plots again in February; new gardeners can sign up for plots in the spring and summer. If returning gardeners want to add more plots, they can sign up for additional plots during the spring opening. Follow the steps below according to which category you’re in, and check out the FAQ if you have questions.


Returning gardeners can reclaim plots in 200-outside or 200-north courtyard or request additional plots (up to four total). 

New gardener registration opened March 1st, 2024.

Plot requests will be taken through the spring and summer until all plots are filled. We do have new spaces become available sometimes.

Here’s the steps:

1. Read the FAQ about plots!

2. Fill out a FORM_Membership-Waiver_2024 Gardeners participating in the plot program must be Garden Club members. The membership fee is $10/year.

4. Fill out a  FORM_Plot Request March 2024 .The plot fee is $10 each per season and covers hoses, nozzles, and misc. gardening supplies. Maps of plot areas are below.

5. Bring the forms and payment to a Garden Club meeting (or interoffice mail to Melissa Rose Bldg 205 Rm C143).

Cash or checks are accepted. Please make checks out to Argonne Garden Club.


More questions? Check out the FAQ!


2024 Garden Plots and Assignments:


Garden Club Stewards for 2023

Thinking of becoming a steward?  Learn more about stewardship.

Stewards below are not listed in any specific order.  Gardeners may contact any steward below which represents their area.

Location Number Building Number Area Steward
1 200 Outside Row 1 (mixed till) Xuli Wu
Outside Row 2 (mixed till)
 Louis Emery
Outside Row 3 (tilled) Megan McIntyre
Outside Row 4 (tilled) Bethany Dean-Kersten
Outside Row 5 (tilled) Mary Malik
2 200 North Courtyard (mixed till) John Okasinski