- University of Illinois Extension Hort Corner
- One Seed Chicago
- Bug Info. Six pests you should know about (An article on common garden insects that plague gardens)
- Organic Fertilizers One of our Argonne coworkers, Cliff Pitts, is a representative for Aggrand Natural Fertilizer. They manufacture all organic products made of things like kelp, fish and bonemeal. Available products can be seen through this website catalog and ordered directly through Cliff. Please use control number 184087. There is a 10% discount for case orders and no shipping costs. Cliff can bring the orders to the lab. If you want to ask Cliff a question, please call him at 708-430-9104.
- Organic Pesticides
- Hydroponics & Aquaponics – Root 66 in Brookfield, IL
- National Center for Home Food Preservation. Awesome website from USDA-sponsored organization with a variety of interesting and helpful articles and plenty of tested recipes. Much more than just canning.
- Clemson University Cooperative Extension. Lots of helpful articles on canning, freezing, and drying, with a limited number of recipes. Also good articles on food safety, if that’s a concern.
- Food Preservation and Canning Resources from U of I Extension. A nicely organized list of links for instructions, brochures, and fact sheets related to food preservation, primarily through other Extension Services.
- Ball (brand of canning jars) product website. 250+ recipes for canning and freezing and clear step-by-step tutorials with pictures (look under the “Fresh Tools” menu tab). Also, they offer a 10% off coupon for their online store if you sign up for emails.
- Brew and Grow – 181 W. Crossroads Pkwy, Bolingbrook (buy local when possible)
- Northern Brewer – www.northernbrewer.com
- Midwest Homebrew Supply – www.midwestsupplies.com
- More Beer – www.morebeer.com
- Homebrewtalk – www.homebrewtalk.com
- Beer Advocate – www.beeradvocate.com
- Brewers Of South Suburbia –www.bossbeer.org local brewing club
- http://www.brewtoad.com Recipe calculator and use powerful brewing/recipe software for free.
- www.bjcp.org Beer style guidelines, descriptions, and specifications
- http://www.rooftopbrew.net/abv.php Use this free calculator to determine the strength of your finished beer.
- BOOKS (recommeded by Scott Pointon)
- Homebrewing for Dummies
- The Complete Joy of Homebrewing
- Brewing Classic Styles
- Zymurgy (journal of AHA)
- Brew Your Own