The Plot Program has grown to such size that it would tough for one or even two people to keep track of the status of all plot areas. A steward is technically an officer of the Garden Club Board who will act as a representative between gardeners and the Board by relaying problems, needs or concerns an area might have. We hope to identify and implement solutions and ideas more quickly with stewards who are dedicated to improving the area in which they garden.
Some of the duties that a steward would oversee:
- Identify equipment needs AND desires: Does a hose or nozzle need replacing? Do the gardeners of an area want to have a compost bin or communal tools? Maybe one area doesn’t need a hose but they’d like mulch, instead. The steward needs to identify what gardeners might need and let the Board know. Not all requests will be possible, but we’ll make an attempt to address all requests.
- Help improve a garden area: Identify plots which appear abandoned so they can be reassigned. Identify plots that are super weedy so they can be mowed before seeds spread. A steward needs to communicate with gardeners to find out if they no longer intend to garden.
- Identify hazards or problems: Is there a huge wasp nest above the courtyard door? Is there poison ivy growing by the silcock? These problems can be addressed only if they are reported.
- Foster a community garden spirit: Gardening can be a fun and social activity. An active steward can facilitate interaction between gardeners and implement new ideas that gardeners in a plot area may want to try. By having a steward, each area has the opportunity to be a bit more self-directing.