Welcome to Argonne National Laboratory’s Parenting and Caregiving employee resource group (PACE-ERG) webpage!
The Parenting and Caregiving Employee Resource Group (PACE) is devoted to the support of all employees who are integrating Argonne careers with parenting and caregiving roles. This includes parenting children of all ages and health status, caregiving family members or friends with any medical condition or disability, and caregiving of aging friends and family members who are in need of special support.
PACE is dedicated to developing a supportive community of parents/caregivers and fostering communication and networking that can support employees with the unique challenges of parenting and caregiving. This organization also aims to encourage communication among employees, human resources and management.
The Parenting and Caregiving Employee Resource Group (PACE) is devoted to the support of Argonne employees who are engaged in parenting and caregiving roles. This program fosters social interactions and support amongst parents and caregivers, with informal social events nd a group listserv offered for discussion of parenting and caregiving issues. PACE also periodically hosts events with presentations or discussions of relevance to this community, and hosts charity drives to support local parents and caregivers. This program also provides support in matching parents/caregivers with mentors who have integrated a career at Argonne with similar family circumstances.
PACE encourages and facilitates communication with laboratory management regarding the special challenges of parenting/caregiving roles. PACE is represented on the laboratory’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council, a council that aims to promote the well-being and professional success of the diverse employee population of Argonne.