2013 Postdoctoral Research and Career Symposium

EP_Web Banner_1000x310 (2)Symposium Program & Abstracts

Company Presentation Schedule Thursday

This year’s Postdoctoral Research and Career Symposium will be held on October 10-11 at Argonne Advanced Photon Source and Theory and Computing Sciences center.

The Postdoctoral Research and Career Symposium is an annual event that serves to: •Showcase the research of Postdoctoral Researchers and advanced graduate students
• Lead the way for collaboration through networking
• Enable industry and government leaders to connect with and recruit from the Nation’s top scientific and engineering talent

Special Thanks to the 2013 Sponsors!

MDI UOPEuclid TechLabsExxonMobil logoAAASlogoISTC logo

This year’s event will feature guest keynote address on Thursday, research presentations during morning concurrent sessions, lunch-time career-themed sessions, career expo and an evening poster session on Thursday. The Tentative Symposium Agenda and logistics will be updated as details are finalized. Visit the Postdoctoral Programs Website for more information and for updates.
What Presenters Need to Know:

Argonne integrates world-class science, engineering, and user facilities to deliver innovative research and technologies. We create new knowledge that addresses the scientific and societal needs of our nation. We will lead the world in providing scientific and engineering solutions to the grand challenges of our time: sustainable energy, a healthy environment, and a secure nation.

We seek abstracts that are aligned with our goal of addressing the vital national challenges in clean energy, environment, technology and national security through multidisciplinary Science and Engineering. Please visit www.anl.gov for more information on the current science and technology programs at Argonne.

All presenters will be assigned to a poster presentation. Please indicate if you would also like your abstract considered for an oral presentation. Due to time limitations, we can only accept 36 oral presentations. Oral presentations will take place during the morning concurrent sessions on both Thursday and Friday.

To Register:

NOTE–Companies should registrer through the Company Registration Page.

For Postdocs and Graduate Students: Registration and abstract submission must be completed online by September 13, 2013. All attendees and presenters should register online through the Symposium Registration Page.

To Submit Your Resume for Industry Exhibitors:

A resume CD will be compiled for distribution to Industry exhibitors and sponsors. If you would like your resume included, please use the Resume template and email to [email protected] with the subject line Resume_Name.

 We look forward to seeing you!



About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is Argonne’s Postdoctoral Program Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute. In this role, she facilitates the postdoc appointment process, postdoc career development, mentoring, advises the Postdoctoral Society of Argonne and serves as a navigator for postdoctoral issues.
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