Call for Nominations for the PSA Officers!

Check your inboxes!

The 3rd full-term general elections for the PSA officers are scheduled for November 20, 2013 at noon in Bldg. 203 Auditorium. All Argonne postdocs are encouraged to attend.

For 2014, the PSA-team is looking for new faces and creative minds! Come and join – every ANL postdoc is welcome!

Confirm your attendance through the Postdoc Events RSVP page.

What do you do as a PSA officer or board member? What does it take to be a part of the PSA?

Well, if you..

.. are interested in TEAM WORK, want a GOOD TIME, and believe that a SUCCESSFUL CAREER is not only about paper writing, be a PSA BOARD MEMBER!

.. are interested in turning an IDEA into something which all postdocs can benefit, be a COMMITTEE MEMBER!

 .. are interested in actively ENGAGING with LAB MANAGEMENT, be a PSA OFFICER!

 .. are a good COMMUNICATOR, WRITER, SPEAKER or ORGANIZER, and are interested in knowing more about LAB OPERATIONS, be the PSA SECRETARY!

 .. are you the SOUL OF EVERY PARTY and love to CONNECT to people, be the LIASON OFFICER!

 .. are a NATURAL ORGANIZATION TALENT and also believe that CAREER PLANNING is crucial and necessary for all postdocs, be the PSA VICE-PRESIDENT!

 .. are a NATURAL LEADER, interested in being a POINT of CONTACT, and love to turn good IDEAS into TANGIBLE OUTCOMES that are GOOD for all fellow postdocs, then simply be the PSA PRESIDENT!

 This election will be held in conjunction with the PSA General Assembly Meeting and the postdoctoral lunch and seminar. The PSA will report and discuss on activities from its previous year and highlight activities for the coming year. In addition, we will have Jutta Strate Meyer from Argonne’s Newcomer Office and Penny Kolpacki  and Suellen Cook from Argonne Clubs showcasing available resources for new postdocs.

Nominations are solicited for the following PSA officer posts:
– President
– Vice President
– Secretary
– Liaison

Duties for the various positions are described in the attached PSA bylaws, which may be found at All positions are for a one year term.

 Please email your nominations, including self-nominations, to: [email protected] (subject: PSA officer nomination) by close of business on November 8, 2013.

Postdocs who are nominating someone other than themselves are strongly encouraged to get pre-approval from the nominee before sending us the nomination. All nominations are anonymous, meaning that no postdoc, including current PSA officers, will ever know of them.

We eagerly expect an exciting field of candidates.

–Perry Motsegood, PSA Secretary

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is theEarly Career Development Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute.
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