Congratulations to Our Recent Fellowship Recipients!

Argonne’s Distinguished Fellowship Program seeks to attract and retain top scientific and engineering talent to the lab. Each year, applications are solicited in the spring and fall for the Director’s Fellowship and the Named Fellowship. These are highly competitive programs, with submissions from across the lab and research proposals encompassing a diverse array of scientific disciplines.

We are pleased to announce the recipients for the 2014 Named and Director’s Fellowships. The recipients will commence their fellowships this fall and winter. We look forward to working with these fine researchers as they help advance the laboratory’s missions and grow new programs.

2014 Named Fellows:

Dr. Sixue Qin (Peking University) has accpeted Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellowship in Nuclear Physics and will work with Dr. Craig Roberts in the Theory Group of the Physics Division.

Dr. Dugan Hayes (University of Chicago) has accepted the Joseph Katz Fellowship in Chemistry and will continue with Dr. Lin Chen in the Solar Energy Conversion Group in CSE.

Dr. Chad Husko (Columbia University) has accepted the Alexei Abrikosov Fellowship in Physics and will work with Dr. Jeffrey Guest in the Nanoscience and Technology Division.

Dr. Kenley Pelzer (University of Chicago) has accepted the Aneesur Rahman Fellowship in Computational Physics and will work with Drs. Seth Darling and Stephen Gray in the Nanoscience and Technology Division.

2014 Director’s Fellows:

Dr. Michael Bishof (University of Colorado) will join the group of Dr. Zheng-Tian Lu in the Physics Division.

Dr. Kamil Khan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) will join the group of Dr. Todd Munson in the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Division.

Dr. Chengyao Chen (Columbia University) will join the group of Dr.David Czaplewski in the Nanoscience and Technology Division.

Dr. Joonseok Lee (KAIST, Republic of Korea) will continue as a Director’s Fellow in collaboration with Dr. Elena Rozhkova in the Nanosciences and Technology Division and Dr. Rosemarie Wilton of Biosciences.

Dr. Sebastien Boisvert (Laval University) will continue as a Director’s Fellow with Dr. Rick Stevens in the Computing, Environment and Life Sciences (CLS) Directorate.

To learn more about our Distinguished Fellowship, visit the Argonne Careers and Postdoctoral Program websites. The next call for applications will be for the 2015 Named Fellowship. Applications will be accepted starting in July, with a deadline of October 7, 2014.

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is theEarly Career Development Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute.
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