Getting TO the Interview–Crafting Your CV, Resume and Cover Letters to Get Noticed!

The Postdoctoral Program Office is hosting 2 workshops to prepare job seekers for diverse careers. Workshop 1 will address structuring your CV for an academic career. The second workshop will present strategies and guidelines for crafting highly effective job application documents. Content will include best practices for diverse job markets with a focus on evaluating your adapting your CV into a resume, evaluating position descriptions, crafting a cover letter objectively from the perspective of an employer.

In the second workshop, participants will have an opportunity to play “hiring manager” through a small group activity. Based on a job description and sample resumes, participants will decide which candidate they’d like to interview.

Participants are encouraged to bring a draft of their resume or CV.

All postdocs and students are encouraged to attend. Mentors and supervisors who are interested in resources for advising postdocs are welcome to attend as well.

Please register for one or both workshops using the RSVP Link. BlueJeans access will be available for remote viewing.

Date: Thursday, August 8, 2019
Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM: Workshop 1–Academic CVs
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Workshop 2–Resumes for the Non-Academic Market, Cover Letters, Deconstructing Job Ads
Location: Building 203 Auditorium
Presenter: Dr. Briana Konnick, Assistant Director, Graduate Career Development The University of Chicago

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is theEarly Career Development Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute.
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