LGBTQ Inclusivity Workshop and SafeZone Discussion

Spectrum will be hosting two events regarding SafeZones, engagement, and LGBTQ inclusivity and dialog. These events will focus on helping people become effective educators and to engage in conversation. The lunch-and-learn will focus on exposing and socializing the idea of SafeZones, why they’re important, and what they can do to encourage diversity of perspective, a safe working environment, etc. Please attend as your schedule permits.


Tuesday, October 31st – B401 A5000
9:00am-3:00pm (including a working lunch) LGBTQ Inclusivity Workshop
Wednesday, November 1st B446 Auditorium
9:00am-10:30am LGBTQ Inclusivity Workshop (part 2)
11:30am-1:00pm “Understanding LGBTQ Identities and Why It Matters in the Workplace” Lunch-And-Learn


Participants will review the interactive 8-hour education workshop “LGBTQ Inclusivity”, which includes activities, small group discussions and opportunities for practicing skills as educators. Topics covered include:

  • Educational Philosophy
  • Suggested Exercises for Increasing Knowledge
  • Suggested Exercises for Taking Action
  • Encouraging Dialogue and Understanding Your Audience
  • Answering Questions Effectively
  •         Behind-The-Scenes Tips for Successful Facilitation
  • Suggestions for Continuing Education
  • Creating Sustainable Inclusion Programs on Campus and in the Workplace

During this course, participants will be coached in running similar trainings and offered opportunities to ask/answer questions in a supportive environment using the teaching skills that they acquire.

Please RSVP to Kathy Eggers at [email protected] by Friday Oct 27 close of business.


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