- David Bianculli (AES)
- Kevin Brown (BIS-TEL)
- Suellen Cook (HSE)
- Matthew Diamond (XSD)
- Eric Dufresne (XSD)
- Glenn Gabanski
- Elena Galinski OPS)
- Patrick Garner (NSE)
- Linda Gaines (ES)
- David Gohlke (ESI)
- Charles Jonah (EOF)
- Andrea Manning (BIS-TEL)
- Catherine Peters (DIS)
- Chris Powell (ES)
- Lily Robertson (CSE),
- Beth Striker (TCP)
- Rachel Thomas (NSE)
- Katie Tietz (NST)
- Kimberly Toerpe (PSC)
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Contact any Officer or member of the Choral Group to learn how to join.