Starting a New Club

ideaHave an idea for a new club? Follow these instructions on how to get a new club approved and affiliated with the Argonne Club. Reference links are available to help guide you through the process.

Steps for becoming an Argonne Affiliated Club:

1 Review Clubs and Organizations pages for existing clubs
2 Contact the Argonne Club Board at [email protected]
3 Argonne Club Board will provide you with the most up-to-date Argonne Club By-Laws and Relationship Between the Argonne Club and Affiliated Clubs document
4 Advertise the meeting in Argonne Today
5 Set up a meeting to determine interest in your proposed club
6 If you’ve determined interest, develop by-laws for your new club
7 Submit the by-laws to the Argonne Club Board at [email protected]
8 The Argonne Club will send your club by-laws to the Legal Department for approval
9 If Legal and the Argonne Club Board approves, Argonne Club will supply your new club with an affiliation verification letter
10 Your new club must submit a list of its members to Argonne Club Board with $1 dues per member
11 Argonne Club will reimburse each affiliated club $3.00 per active member (200 member maximum) for qualifying receipts