Where’s the Year Gone?

Well here it is almost the middle of November and that means it’s election time again. I hope to be sending out a copy of the 2014 membership application and information on who’s running for what. 2013 will be the last year that I serve as an officer of the club and I’m hoping someone will step up to fill the position in my absence. I’m hoping to stay on for a while longer but only as a board member, not an officer.
The board had a meeting today at noon at the cafeteria and other than the election, we had a few things to discuss. The biggest of these topics was what to do with all the ‘stuff’ the club has been storing for more years than I can remember. Right now we have a cage in the basement of building 223 but we are being asked to vacate that space. We’ve decided to move the contents to the repeater site but don’t have as much space there as in the cage. As a solution to this problem we are discussing putting some of the better equipment up for sale on eBay to turn old stuff into $$ for the club treasury. We are also planing to use some of this money to buy a new or used repeater to have as an alternate so we can switch them out for routine maintenance. In addition, we are talking of having an auction open to paid members only some time early next year. More on all of these plans as they firm up. Jack Albert joined us at the meeting and he has volunteered to handle the shipping when we sell on eBay which is the main reason we have hesitated to go that route earlier. When we do get ready to put up anything on eBay we plan on sending out an email to all paid members telling what we are getting ready to post and when. This way, if you are a paid member you will get that little inside info and can look and decide to bid or not. As we move this gear and confirm what we still have, I will also photograph each item and revise our old inventory which was made up by the late Jim Jorgensen back in 2004. When that is ready I’ll try and get it posted on this site or I might just email a copy to all the paid members. There’s some good stuff that we will be putting up for sale. More on this as get ready to act.
For now keep your eye on this page for details as they are developed. I’ll try and get this info out to the general population of past and present member as soon as I can. Pass the word around and for now, if you have suggestions for president, email them to [email protected] and we will follow up on them.
Tim – N9UEB

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