Hi Everyone,
I am sorry about the lack of posts here on the web page. But not too much has been going on. Field day was a quiet success. We made a little over 100 contacts all phone and had about 6 visitors to the site. Next year I am hoping that there will be a little more participation. But we will get started on that in 2015.
The BIG Announcement I have is that we are going to start having monthly meetings at night. Starting November 5th I have made arrangements with the VRC to use their presentation area for evening meetings. This will save on non employees gate passes and posting directions. I will get the VRC opened at about 6:30 and we will have it till around 9:30. The meeting will start at 7:00.
So to start things off I am going to put on a presentation on SDR (Software Defined Radio) and the new Flex 6300 radio. So if you have never seen a SDR radio. And would like to learn more about how they work and see one in person. Come to our first nightly meeting this year
Hope to see you there