Well, here we go with another year for AARC. This year we marked our 60th anniversary as a club, a new echolink computer upgrade and the first silent auction in years. Thanks to all of you who helped out in all of these accomplishments!!
This coming year there are more projects to address and the club needs active participants to keep the club going and active. This year we’ve welcomed quite a few new first time members and I look forward to keeping them and all of you in our ranks.
This coming year one of our big projects is to once again obtain ARRL affiliated membership for the club which we haven’t had in recent memory. The ARRL has reached out thanks to Anthony Bustos – N9ARB, the ARRL Illinois Affiliated Club Coordinator and they are encouraging us and other clubs to apply for and obtain this ARRL club status. This year I have sought to implement some of the requirements but we fell short of the requirement for at least 50% of our membership being current ARRL members. So, if you are currently an ARRL member be sure to indicate that on this year’s membership application. If you are not currently an ARRL member consider signing up to help out and enjoy the monthly QST magazine and all the other benefits that go with being a member. Visit www.arrl.org/membership to find out all the benefits of membership and sign up.
I hope this will be the year we hit that goal and once again be able to count our club among the official affiliated ARRL clubs. I’ve attached the 2019 membership applications for you to fill out and send back. I’m looking forward to another productive and active year for the AARC organization. One last thing, remember we are still looking for nominations for club officers for 2019. The club should regularly new volunteers for the officers. It’s easy, fun and your contribution to the next 60 years for the Argonne Amateur Radio Club, your club!AARC_Membership_Form_2021
Tim – N9UEB