Today at noon in the cafeteria we held an AARC meeting. At the meeting was Paul ka9pvd, Rich n9kkf, Bob kb9fur, Tim kc9pos, Bruce ka9h, Bob n9mbr and myself Tim n9ueb. We received a report on the work performed tuning the repeater duplexer cans and the positive effect that effort had on repeater performance. We also revisited the procedure and schedule for resolving the issue between echolink and the new repeater. Tim, kc9pos will be heading that project. A Raspberry Pi has been donated to aid in this effort as well. We will be setting up a new echolink server thanks to Bob’s acquiring the new unit. Discussion was held on the AARC’s participation in a special event station, N3T, celebrating ANL’s entry into the exascale supercomputing era! An email better describing this event was forwarded to the email distribution I have on file. We also discussed the request to include the AARC in a proposal for a local Cub Scout group to work the ARISS program allowing the Scouts to talk with the ISS astronauts sometime next year. I’m currently trying to determine what equipment they need from us. More to follow on that one. Finally the current nominees for club officers for 2024 was discussed. There’s still time to submit your comments / nominees and I will submit the final list around the middle of this month for voting. We’re hoping to get some new faces and ideas for the club.
Secretary, Public Information Officer