The Next PSA Leader Could Be You!

Do you have what it takes to be a leader? See ten tips at


Do you know what December is best known for at Argonne?!? Holiday parties, the Lab shutdown, and… the Postdoc Society elections!

The Postdoctoral Society of Argonne is seeking candidates for office for 2018. If you’re thinking of running for a position, we ask that you give us a bio and candidate statement describing your intended plans for your position (nothing crazy long, just 2-4 sentences) by Noon on December 14 (candidate statements may be sent to Noah Van Dam at [email protected] with “Candidate Statement” in the subject). The submitted statements will be made available to all postdocs with the official ballot on the 14th.

3:00 PM December 14, 2017. Building 203 Auditorium. There will be democracy and food available. Hope to see everyone there!

The final voting will be online and closed ballot. The link to vote will be emailed to all postdocs after the election meeting and official candidate announcements on December 14.

Position Descriptions:

President: The President shall preside over and set agendas for the monthly Board and quarterly General Assembly meetings. The President shall serve as the point of contact for Laboratory Management and organizations outside the Lab, and shall authorize Society activities. In addition, the President shall serve as the Policy Committee Chair, and shall recruit additional Committee members from the ranks of the Board and General Members as needed.

Vice President: The Vice President shall support all of the duties of the President and assume those duties, or those of the Secretary, in their temporary absence. The Vice President will summarize the activities and plans of the Society in a report to the General Assembly during the GA meetings. The report shall include completed business, ongoing business, and plans for the subsequent three months, with addenda as needed. In addition, the Vice President shall serve as the Career Committee Chair, and shall recruit additional Committee members from the ranks of the Board and General Members as needed.

Secretary: The Secretary shall communicate meeting notices (see Article IX), activity announcements, and meeting agendas via e-mail, and keep records of monthly Board and quarterly GA meetings. If the Secretary is absent from a meeting, an alternate must be identified. The Secretary shall distribute monthly newsletters outlining Society news and events. In addition, the Secretary shall serve as the Communication Committee Chair, and shall recruit additional Committee members from the ranks of the Board and General Members as needed.

Liaison: The Liaison shall serve as the point of contact for Lab Divisions and Units other than Lab Management, e.g., the Argonne Club. The Liaison shall also maintain the waiting list for Board seats (see Article IV, Section 1). In addition, the Liaison shall serve as the Social Committee Chair, and shall recruit additional Committee members from the ranks of the Board and General Members as needed.

*Postdoc Symposium Chairperson: The Symposium Chairperson shall organize and plan the annual PSA symposium and head the planning committee. The Chairperson shall decide, and have final say, over the guest list and theme of the event. Updates of the event planning shall be given to the board at all general meetings. The Chairperson is the main point of contact for related parties such as invited guests and caterers.

*Note that this is an unratified position but it was a great success this year and the Chairperson was able to pull off an amazing symposium by giving it her main focus and not balancing the role with other PSA duties.

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is Argonne’s Postdoctoral Program Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute. In this role, she facilitates the postdoc appointment process, postdoc career development, mentoring, advises the Postdoctoral Society of Argonne and serves as a navigator for postdoctoral issues.
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