PSA Issues Call for 2020 Symposium Committee Members

The Symposium held in November, is organized by postdocs for postdocs

The Postdoctoral Society of Argonne (PSA) holds a Postdoctoral Symposium every year. The 2020 Symposium will be held on November 5th at the 240 Conference Center/TCS. This is a great opportunity to share your research with your fellow postdocs, P.I.s, and representatives from companies, national labs, and universities. Helping the postdocs to grow their network and making new connections is one of our top priorities.

As one 2019 participant noted, “…thanks to a contact I made at the 2019 postdoc symposium, I was offered and accepted a job opportunity…I wanted to thank [the PSA] for organizing this event and providing an amazing opportunity for me and other postdocs to make good contacts and showcase our skills. It would have been very hard for me to make this contact through a different route.”

To make this event possible, we need your help. We need you to share your talent and energy as part of the symposium organizing committee.  You will enrich your leadership skills, meet like-minded people, make new connections and have an incredible amount of fun while doing it. The effort required would be a couple hours a month at most. Areas of participation are included but not limited to the following:

  1. Career panel:  set the theme for the career panel, identify and recruit panelists
  2. Communication and Marketing: advertising for the event e.g. making flyers, ads, etc.
  3. Poster: organizing the poster event, collecting all the abstracts for poster, recruit poster judges
  4. Program book: preparing the symposium book
  5. Companies outreach: contacting individual companies, in coordination with the Postdoctoral Program Office
  6. Survey: conduct post-symposium survey, summarize data to discuss with symposium committee
  7. Symposium Follow-up: assist Postdoctoral Program Office with post-symposium communications, including notes of appreciation to speakers and volunteers
  8. Secretary: communicate meeting notices, activity announcements, and meeting agenda via email.

All the members will work together to put on the symposium.

Please email the PSA President Laura Boon ([email protected]) with ‘PSA Symposium’ in the subject if you would like to be part of this exciting event.

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is theEarly Career Development Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute.
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