The Postdoctoral Society of Argonne is pleased to announce the results of the December 2022 elections, on behalf of the PSA Board. The 2023 PSA Officers are:
President: Claire Chang (CSE)
Vice President: Francesco Salucci (TPS)
Secretary: Jessica Barbosa Martins (XSD)
Engagement Officer: Khushi Bhatt (PHY)
Professional Development Officer: Rakesh Kamath (AMD)
Congratulations to our new officers. They have already begun assuming their new roles and will serve a one-year term. Thank you to all PSA members who ran for office, voted, and participated in the various elections events. We look forward to your continued involvement with the PSA. Please get a hold of the officers if you would like more information on how you can get involved in contributing to the PSA and help build a great postdoctoral experience at Argonne!