The Basics of Military Culture


In a look borrowed from vintage newsreels, this four-part series on The Basics of Military Culture, powered by PsychArmor in partnership with Comcast NBC Universal, covers stories from six American service members about their experiences serving our country.

This series provides an in-depth exploration of military service and culture, covering topics such as the commitment required to serve, the values that guide military culture, the diversity and inclusivity within the military, and the challenges service members and their families face during and after their service. This series features personal stories and interviews with service members, as well as insights into the benefits of military service and the invaluable soft skills that it provides.

Happy Flag Day!

Happy Flag Day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 is Flag Day.

For fun facts on the U.S. Flag, here is a YouTube video: Flag Day and Flag Etiquette (Original Version)

Britannica defines Flag Day as follows:

Flag Day, also called National Flag Day, in the United States, a day honouring the national flag, observed on June 14. The holiday commemorates the date in 1777 when the United States approved the design for its first national flag.

The idea to set aside a day to honour the national flag came from several sources. Bernard J. Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher, in 1885 urged his students to observe June 14 as “Flag Birthday.” He later wrote an essay published in a Chicago newspaper that urged Americans to proclaim this date as the day to celebrate the flag. In 1888 William T. Kerr of Pennsylvania founded the American Flag Day Association of Western Pennsylvania, an organization to which he dedicated his life. A lesser-known claim is that of George Morris of Connecticut, who is said to have organized the first formal celebration of the day in Hartford in 1861.

In 1916 Pres. Woodrow Wilson proclaimed June 14 as the official date for Flag Day, and in 1949 the U.S. Congress permanently established the date as National Flag Day. Although Flag Day is not an official federal holiday, Pennsylvania celebrates the day as a state holiday. Each year the U.S. president delivers an address that proclaims the week of June 14 as National Flag Week, and all Americans are encouraged to fly U.S. flags during that week.


Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

You hear this sentiment from co-workers, store tenders, people you pass on the streets, and all-over social media; this phrase proves to be a conundrum for those who understand the true meaning of Memorial Day, a day of reflection, respect, and remembrance for those who gave their life for their country; a day that should not be trivialized with the standard greeting of celebratory frivolity. Often confused with Veterans Day, which is observed on November 11 annually and pays respect to and celebrates the service of all U.S. military Veterans, Memorial Day had its start immediately following the Civil War, as a way to honor and remember all those who died while fighting for our country, Union or Confederate, one and all.

First dubbed as Decoration Day in reference to the act of leaving flowers and flags on soldiers’ graves, this day has always been thought to have its first official commemoration on May 30, 1868, at Arlington National Cemetery. Here more than 5,000 participants gathered to honor the fallen and took part in decorating more than 20,000 graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. A recent discovery, in 1990, produced a box of First Decoration Day artifacts and manuscripts found in the depths of the Houghton Library at Harvard University; this find shed a new light on the earliest known celebration of Memorial Day which actually occurred on May 1, 1965, in Charleston, South Carolina by newly freed African Americans.

Transformed into a prison for Union soldiers, the Washington Racecourse and Jockey Club of Charleston had a mass grave behind the complex for the bodies of the deceased prisoners who lost their lives due to the horrific conditions of the camp. Once the Confederate army abandoned the city, it left a population of newly freed slaves who immediately took on the job of ensuring these fallen heroes were commemorated through an honorable burial. A cemetery was built, and the bodies were interred in proper burial plots with an inscription on the surrounding fence “Martyrs of the Race Course.” On that first day in May 1965, thousands of freed slaves along with white missionaries gathered together to honor the fallen soldiers. The ceremony included a parade, singing, formation marches and prayers; all to pay homage to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

On May 29, 2023, we honor our fallen soldiers from all U.S. violent conflicts and wars, who have given their lives for their country, please give of yourself; volunteer for a military organization, place flowers or flags on military graves, slow down your everyday enough to remember, reflect, and respect the memory of these heroes, these warriors who gave everything so we are able to live in a country where we are safe and free. This Memorial Day, pause for these warriors, share the story of the history of this day so that others may also take a pause to remember why we are able to call our home, the United States of America; it is not without the greatest sacrifice of all – of so many. Good Memorial Day to everyone, may we never forget-

Honor Flight Fundraiser

The Argonne Veterans ERG is raising funds to support Honor Flight Chicago.

Honor Flight Chicago’s mission is to Honor, Thank, and Inspire by building awareness and appreciation of the debt of gratitude America owes its veterans for their service and sacrifice for our nation.

One of the ways this is accomplished is by offering veterans an opportunity for a one day event to fly from Chicago to Washington D.C. and back in order to visit national war memorials and other military themed sites. Every flight is a beautiful event.

Please consider contributing to the fundraiser at GoFundMe.

AAA-ERG and Veterans ERG Host Congressman Bobby Rush for Black History Month Fireside Chat

Argonne’s African American Employee Resource Group (AAA-ERG) and Veterans ERG hosted a Black History Month fireside chat on February 22, 2023. Diana Schmitt, co-founder of the Veterans ERG, coordinated the Chat. AAA-ERG President, Justin Breaux, moderated the Fireside Chat.

Fireside Chat Event recording.

Bobby Rush,Justin Breaux, Diana Schmitt

The conversation delved into Congressman Rush’s life of service as a Black Panther, soldier, and elected official, and his insights into mobilizing partners and people to bring about fundamental change for disenfranchised communities. During the Q&A session, he shared his experiences and insights on various topics.

When asked about what he has learned about mobilizing partners and people to bring about change, Congressman Rush stressed the importance of a strong faith and ability to form coalitions with people who share similar values and goals. He emphasized that change happens when people come together to demand it.

When asked about which piece of legislation he would like to be known for, Congressman Rush spoke of the Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Health Care Act (MBS Act). The Act was named after a woman who suffered from postpartum depression (PPD) and died by suicide in 2001, just three months after giving birth to her son.

The Act aims to increase research on postpartum depression (PPD) and improve the delivery of healthcare services for individuals experiencing PPD. Congressman Rush was a co-sponsor of the Act and played an important role in advocating for and helping to pass the legislation, which was signed into law in 2018.

Congressman Rush was also asked about how the Black experience has changed in terms of access and opportunity since he entered the military. He noted that while there have been some improvements, much work still needs to be done to address systemic racism and inequalities in society.

On the topic of energy sustainability and justice, Congressman Rush emphasized the importance of addressing climate change and promoting clean energy. He praised Argonne National Laboratory for its contributions to advancing energy sustainability and justice through research and development.

Congressman Rush also shared his experience of joining the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and co-founding the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers. He discussed how his time in the Army influenced his decision to join these organizations and his desire to fight for justice and equality.

The event also featured a gift presentation by Diana Schmidt, co-founder of the Veterans ERG, to Congressman Rush, thanking him for his service and contributions to the country.

In conclusion, the Fireside Chat with Congressman Bobby Rush was an insightful and engaging conversation, shedding light on his life of service and providing valuable insights into social justice and activism. It was a great way to celebrate Black History Month and honor the contributions of Black leaders and activists throughout history.

Written By: Justin Breaux