The Argonne Amateur Radio Club is happy to announce the second ‘off hours’ general club meeting. This is in response to the many requests over the years to hold a meeting in the evening or on weekends so that those of you who are not here on site during the day can attend and participate in the club. As you know, in the past the club held lunch time meetings here on site. The club after-all is more than just the W9ANL repeater which sees much enthusiastic activity.
Now for the details, the meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 12 June, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are happy to welcome our Guest Speaker, Joe Kirts, who will be talking about the Argonne Amateur Radio Club’s relationship with Argonne’s Emergency Operations Center. Joe is the head of Emergency Operations here at Argonne. He came to us from FEMA and was the head of DuPage County Emergency Management before FEMA. The meeting will be held here at Argonne at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in building 401 and room A1100. This room is located off the main entrance atrium at the APS. There will be someone there to direct you to the room before the meeting and we will have a sign there for late comers.
If you plan on attending the meeting on June 12th, 2013, from 6:30 to 8:00pm, and are not an Argonne National Laboratory or DOE employee, arrangements will need to be made to have a gate pass issued for you to access the Laboratory. I will arrange for this pass if you provide all the information listed below. This pass will then be able to be picked up at the main ‘Cass Ave’ gate when you arrive. All you will need is a driver’s license for identification. Please provide the information below and forward it to the club email address – [email protected] – and I will take care of the rest. Hope to see you there.
Last name:
First name:
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
If not, what is the country of citizenship? ( this will require additional information so apply asap )
What is your email address?
If you email [email protected] with a request, I will send you a form to fill out the above information. This form was just sent out to all the active members I am aware of. If you know of others who might like to attend please pass this on to them and I will make the arrangements. You don’t have to be a member or even a Ham. You will not be able to access the Laboratory to attend without this pass so please forward your information to me no later than Friday June 7th, by Close of Business. These applications must be submitted 48 hours in advance so don’t delay. Watch this our NEW webpage for future announcements for this event and those to come in the future.
Tim Smith N9UEB