Today at noon 5 of us went up to the repeater to check on the antenna we put up last month. It’s been noticed that when the weather is bad, raining, the output of the repeater is staticky so we wanted to check on all the connections. We took the antenna down, again, and found that the jumper between the heliax and the antenna was suspect. We substituted it with a commercially terminated jumper and sealed up all the connection points. In the future we intend to re-terminate the large heliax with a new connector that will fit into the antenna eliminating the need for the jumper all together. The repeater is back on the air and now all we can do is wait for bad weather and see if we solved the problem. Thanks to all who came out to help: Bob – N9MBR, Rich – N9KKF, Tim – KC9POS, Jay – KC9IPH.
Tim – N9UEB