On Wednesday, May 25th, the lab is hosting an Argonne Club fair in building 212 from 11:30 to 12:30 in the main training room ( where they do CPR training at the far end of the main corridor ) and the AARC will be hosting a table with information, displays and even a few giveaways. We will be showcasing a few areas of interest and projects among some of the club members. Some of the items on display will be a small HF SDR radio used in field operations such as Parks On The Air ( POTA ) and field day, an Allstar node which will be demonstrated, a 2 M SSB halo antenna fabricated as a kit by several club members and possibly a Flex station. There will be membership applications if you have co-workers or off site acquaintances who might be interested in joining the club. You don’t have to work at Argonne to join the club. I encourage you all, if you are on site, to swing by and show your support. If interested and time permitting please plan on stopping by and saying hi. Pass the word, bring a friend and I hope to see you there.
Tim Smith – N9UEB