Open Assistant Chemist Position

The Heavy Element Chemistry and Separation Science Group at Argonne National Laboratory is seeking applicants to fill a staff position in the Chemical Sciences & Engineering Division. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop a basic-science research program in actinide chemistry within a new, state-of-the-art facility purposely designed to work safely and effectively with transuranic elements. As a member of a diverse group of talented chemists and physicists, both theorists and experimentalists, with expertise spanning inorganic, solution, and materials chemistry as well as surface science and chemical separations, the new staff member will be encouraged to collaborate both internally and externally and will be expected to contribute to the planning, sourcing, and development of new group initiatives and ongoing research activities.

Once hired, advancement in the position will require internationally recognized expertise in aqueous f-element chemistry, knowledge and hands-on experience in actinide, transuranic preparative chemistry, and the characterization of solution speciation and a strong publication record. Although preference will be given to early-career applicants, more senior-level research scientists with a demonstrated strong motivation toward creative basic studies will be considered.

To apply: Click here

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