How to Form the Exercise Habit – Eight Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Studies show that if you can maintain a new activity for 21 days, you are very likely to have made that activity a habit. Here are 8 tips to help you form a great exercise habit!

1.            Find a workout partner:  When starting a new exercise program, having a workout partner will help you stay accountable to your new commitment.

2.            Pace yourself:  Start out at a moderate level of effort, leaving yourself room to grow as your strength and endurance increase.

3.            Vary your routine: Try several different exercises to keep your routine fresh. If you are tired of the treadmill, take a look at the elliptical trainer. Make a shift from bicep curls to rows or pull downs.

4.            Find a role model:  You may find a role model in a co-worker or friend who has been able to stick with an exercise program and get results.

5.            Avoid comparing your progress to others:  Everyone in an exercise program progresses at their own pace.  Every exercise you do builds up your stamina and strength, take pleasure in the progress you are making.

6.            Realize that mild discomfort is ok:  Exercise should not be painful, but when you go from a sedentary lifestyle to an exercise lifestyle, mild pain is inevitable.

7.            A break in your routine:  If for some reason you miss a few workouts, don’t let that get you down, just get started again.  Remember that you’re trying to establish a new lifelong habit of exercise.

8.            Exercise Clubs:  An exercise club can be another good motivator.  Wellness programs in the workplace often provide structured programs for employees to get active and stay fit.

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