Miss the Mentoring Basics JumpStart Presentation?

What’s a person to do when asked to be a mentor? What does it mean to be a mentor? What are the benefits of mentoring? What responsibilities does a mentee have?

These are just a few questions we discussed at the Mentoring Basics JumpStart meeting on June 18th.

Miss the discussion and want to host it in your division or for your group? Contact Tina Henne with the Argonne Leadership Institute. Preview the slides here.

In the meantime, check out some resources available to you.

For more on Postdoc Mentoring–for both postdocs and mentors-visit the National Postdoctoral Association Website for mentoring toolkits. As a sustaining member of the NPA, Argonne staff and postdocs can join as an affiliate member for free, when registering with your Argonne email.

Got a story about mentoring to share? Let’s talk!

About Kristene Henne

Kristene “Tina” Henne is theEarly Career Development Lead for the Argonne Leadership Institute.
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3 Responses to Miss the Mentoring Basics JumpStart Presentation?

  1. Wow, how exciting. Thank you for the information.

  2. David Jacque says:

    Thanks again for presenting at the JumpStart meeting. Lots of great information!

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