At last month’s Making Mentoring Meaningful Workshop, facilitated by the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), we discussed ways mentors and mentees can foster a relationship that is equally rewarding to both. Participants were asked to write down one question they would advise peers who are new to mentoring to ask a mentor or a mentee.
As we discussed previously, an effective mentoring relationship relies on maintaining open communication, setting expectations and fostering understanding. These are just a few of the elements of effective mentoring and are quite foundational. Throughout the workshop, we emphasized that mentoring is also a means to encourage professional development. The questions submitted by workshop participants address these fundamental keys to mentoring through sharing experiences.
Click the links below to download the workshop slides, worksheet and resource list prepared by our friends at AWIS, and a two-pager that includes all the questions and points submitted by workshop participants. Let’s learn from each other!
Implementing Effective Mentoring Strategies Slides
Implementing Effective Mentoring Strategies Workbook
Questions for Mentors and Mentees