Dave and Karen traveled to Boston this week to attend the 2019 National Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society. Karen co-organized the EN06 Symposium: Development in Catalytic Materials for Sustainable Energy—Bridging the Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Divide with Prof. Hailiang Wang (Yale), Prof. Peter Strasser (TU Berlin), and Prof. Yongye Liang (Southern University of Science & Technology, China). Dave was an invited speaker in the “Catalysis of and with Oxygen” session and presented his latest work on in situ X-ray analyses of heterogeneous water oxidation catalysts. The four-day symposium was full of exceptional invited talks and very exciting contributed talks from all areas of catalysis, as well as two poster sessions and a dinner for the invited speakers.
Clockwise from bottom left: Beatriz Roldan-Cuenya (TU Berlin), Ifan Stephens (Imperial College London), Stafford Sheehan (Air Co.), Gary Brudvig (Yale), Dave Tiede (Argonne), Taeghwan Hyeon (Seoul National University), Karen Mulfort (Argonne), Erwin Reisner (University of Cambridge), Hailiang Wang (Yale), Shihe Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Fabio Dionigi (TU Berlin), Reshma Rao (MIT). Credit to Peter Strasser (TU Berlin), behind the camera.